Promise programs around the nation are delivering significant results for their communities by tapping into the power and potential of education as an economic driver. Rockford Promise is proud to be a part of this inspiring national movement.
Want to learn more? Visit these Promise-related sites to learn what other communities are doing, find valuable research and gain a better understanding of the value of Rockford Promise.
Visit these promise-related sites for information on what other communities are doing, valuable research and more.
Cities of Promise
Cities of Promise is a network of and resources for promise programs throughout the nation. “In too many cities and towns across America there is a conspicuous trend — a precipitous drop in public school enrollment despite a rapid influx of low-income students. But many places are prepared to fight for the city and its people. One key to success is taking the first step toward preparing for better opportunities and outcomes for the youth of the cities. That is the glue that binds us. These are the Cities of Promise.”
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research is a research institution whose research focuses on the causes and consequences of unemployment. It plays a leading role in research and evaluation of place-based scholarship programs locally and nationally. Its Promise Scholarship Programs and Local Prosperity research paper examines the local economic impact of Promise programs.
Upjohn Institute maintains a database of Promise programs from across the country. The purpose of this database is to make it possible for interested people to learn more about Promise programs in specific cities, how programs differ, and where the movement is growing.
Northern Illinois University Study
Anticipated Return on Investment for a “College for All” Scholarship Program in the Rockford Public Schools is a Northern Illinois University Study that estimates the return on investment (ROI) of adopting a “college for all” program in Rockford. It concluded that for every dollar invested, an estimated $131.81 would be generated in additional lifetime earnings, increased local expenditures, and avoided costs of social programs and incarceration.
Lumina Foundation Issue Paper:
It’s Not Just the Money: The Benefits of College Education to Individuals and to Society. This illuminating report provides a more complete picture by highlighting many of the frequently unmeasured and ignored benefits of college attendance.